Relationship depression: Causes, ways to overcome

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Relationship depression is a very common problem.  A depressed person can experience sadness, loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy, fatigue, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, sleep and appetite disturbances, poor concentration, and thoughts about death or suicide. Depression also causes irritability at times.  Many times, a person who is depressed does not have the energy or interest to be sexual. Adding depression to the normal stress of being in a relationship can overwhelm both partners.

Understanding the cause

Many factors contribute to relationship depression: one or both partners may have a mental health problem, such as depression; the relationship may be going through difficult changes and many adjustments need to be made at once; there may be outside stressors that impact both members of the couple such as job loss or illness; or life events (spouses moving for new jobs, children leaving home for college or to start their own family, retirement, caring for aging parents) may be increasing the couple’s stress.  In addition, a secondary depression may affect one or both partners as they grieve the loss of the relationship.

Ways to overcome

Some seek medications or supplements like CBD oil but the treatments need to be researched carefully and often have side effects. There are some promising supplements for depression that can be used without a doctor’s prescription, but they need to be taken in the correct dosages. provides sufficient information if you need a place to do careful research before using.

On the other hand, here are some natural ways to overcome relationship depression:

1.  Changes a couple can make together includes a healthy diet, getting exercise, getting enough sleep without going to bed too late, spending time with friends and family, and making sure both of them get some alone time for recharging.

2.  Talking about things that are bothering or stressing each other out.  Depression can cause both people in a relationship to be stubborn but they need to compromise sometimes for the good of the relationship.

3.  Some couples have found that making changes or decisions that may not be popular with the other partner helps them feel closer and more connected.

4.  Couples counseling has been shown to help some couples with depression, especially when both are willing to attend sessions, work on the relationship, and try new things.

5.  Individual counseling may be helpful for one or both partners if they feel pressure in the relationship is making their depression worse.  Both members of a couple sometimes need separate counseling to deal with relationship issues, depression, or other psychological problems.


It is very important that both people in a relationship be aware of the symptoms of depression and get help if they think they are showing signs of this debilitating disorder.  Depression can lead to isolation, tension, anger, abuse, and even thoughts about suicide.  The research is clear that depression can harm a relationship for years if not treated, but there are ways to beat the blues.  If you or your partner is suffering from depression it may be time to seek help so you can both enjoy life again.